Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Speaking Success : How to Thrive in Any Economy


As a subscriber to Instant Speaking Success you have the
opportunity to join me on a call I am doing for one of
my other businesses.

At first I thought, "This doesn't have to do with public speaking
should I even send it?"

However, since so many readers are business owners or CEOs the
following announcement has merit. Plus it deals with a topic that
in on almost everyone's mind right now... money.

So if you own a business or do business online then the following
will be of interest to you.

Success is NOT an Accident,
Paul Evans


You're invited to "How to Thrive Online in an Uncertain and
Unstable Economy."

Part 1 - Thursday, October 30, 2008 :: 3 pm EST.

Part 2 - Thursday, November 6, 2008 :: 3 pm EST.

20% of the gross will be donated The Children's Heart Fund.

"Your money is in grave danger."

That's the best scare tactic marketing piece I have seen this week.

However, it's not true.

Even with the volatility of the world's financial markets this is
no time to panic.

You're invited to one hour of intense insights relating to your
online business. There will be no tricks, black hat magic or slight
of hand. Just solid business principles that work in any economy.

This teleconference has 2 parts.

Part 1 : The One Hour Call

-How to insulate yourself from market insecurity.

-The best business model for profiting regardless of economic

-How to be superman when "the sky is falling."

-Leveling your playing field.

-4 Anchor Points of high income online businesses.

-How to become your niche's Climate Control.

-Why raising the caliber of influence shields you from blunt force
economic trauma.

-One timeless skill that NEVER fades and actually becomes more
critical in times of uncertainty.

-How to accelerate and actually gain momentum using the "Doubt Gap."

-Over 20 core principles essential to business success in any

Sign up here:

Part 2 : The Follow-Up Q & A

After listening to the call write down all your questions related
to the topic and send them to me. All will be answered on the
follow-up call. (A private email will be supplied to attendees).
This is worth $297 alone.

You'll receive...

- Live access to both calls.
- MP3s of both calls
- Transcripts of both calls

20% of the gross proceeds will be donated to Dr. Mani's Children
Heart Foundation Dr. Mani does an
incredible work!

You'll listen to the recordings over and over again. Take notes. Apply
the principles. This will not be soft or "feel good" material.
You'll get the stark truth and what is really important to thriving
in ANY economy.

Your investment is only $100. Get in now. After the event it will
be $200 (without the ability to ask follow-up questions).

Looking forward to having you on the call and answering
your questions!

Sign up here:

Success is NOT an Accident,
Paul Evans

P.S. If you have questions about this event you can post them

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Public Speaking in 4 Steps

The following is from Gary
teach marketing, but this example for public speaers is fantastic...

I'm sure you've heard about the surveys showing that more people
are afraid of giving a speech than dying.

Perhaps most dreaded of all is dying while giving a speech! But
that will never happen to you if you remember this Bullet.

In four easy steps, it will teach you how to craft a powerful
speech on any topic, a talk your listeners will enjoy and respond
to favorably. As an extra bonus, this method will also help you to
write a winning headline whenever you need one.

This four-step formula was created by Richard C. Borden. Many years
ago, Borden was the Administrative Chairman of the Department of
Public Speaking at New York University. He was also one of the
nation's most popular speakers and sales trainers, as well as an
author of books on selling and public speaking.

To give a great speech, Borden recommends that you imagine your
audience shouting out these four emotional outbursts as you give
your talk (this will become clear in a minute)...

"Ho hum!"
"Why bring that up!"
"For instance?"
"So what?"

Let's see how this works in practice . . .

Let's imagine that you must give a speech or important
presentation. You are dreading it, but there's no escape. So you
enroll in a course that teaches the Borden method. At your weekly
classes, you practice by standing before the group and giving talks
on various subjects assigned to you.

Each time you do, as you take your place at the front of the room,
on cue the entire class shouts at you, at the top of their lungs,
"Ho hum!"

If you were nervous before standing up to speak, hearing this
thundering "Ho hum!" hurled at you by forty to fifty bored people
will instantly turn you into a quivering mass of jelly.

But the experience teaches two valuable lessons . . .

First, you learn--in your gut, as only actual experience can
teach--this truism of life: Fear is a cowardly bully. Stand up to
it, and it runs.

Second, this experience indelibly stamps in your awareness the most
critical principle of giving an effective speech: Your opening must
electrify your audience, shake them awake, or, as we Borden
students like to put it, "crash the ho-hum barrier."

In his book, Public Speaking as Listeners Like It! Borden gives
this example. Let's say you've been asked to speak on traffic

Don't start out with . . .

"The subject which has been assigned me is the reduction of traffic
accidents." Ho-hum indeed! How much more interesting to start your
speech with . . .

"Four hundred and fifty shiny new coffins were delivered to the
city last Thursday."

That's a grabber that will instantly interest your audience as they
wonder, "Why?"

* * *

OK, so let's say you've got an interesting opening sentence that
survives the "Ho hum!" challenge. You're just getting started in
the Borden torture chamber!

Next, the entire class shouts at you, "Why bring that up?" which is
your invitation to expand upon your attention-getting opener.

Next, the class shouts, "For instance?" demanding at least one
specific, persuasive example of the point you're making.

Finally, the class screams, "So what?"--what do you recommend we do
about this?

Let's see an excellent example provided by one of the greatest
copywriters who ever lived, Bruce Barton, cofounder of Batten,
Barton, Durstine & Osborn (BBDO), a leading Madison Avenue ad
agency where I used to work alongside John Caples. (That name, by
the way--Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn--was once described by an
advertising wag as sounding "like a man with a suitcase falling
down a flight of stairs." I love that description!)

Here is an example from a talk by Bruce Barton that Borden cites in
his book. Barton was a firm believer in self-improvement, and in
this talk he was urging a group of young men to make more
productive use of their spare time. (Though they were not part of
Barton's talk, I'll overlay the four Borden questions at the right
places to show, as Borden did in his book, how well Bruce Barton's
talk illustrates the Borden method.)

1. Ho Hum!

Barton begins his talk with an intriguing observation about the
potential value of spare time...

"Last month a man in Chicago refused a million dollars for an
invention he had evolved in his spare time."

2.Why Bring That Up!

"You are interested in this because it confronts you with the
possibilities of your spare time. Did you ever stop to think that
most of the world's great men have achieved their true life work,
not in the course of their needful occupations, but--in their spare

3. For Instance?

"A tired-out rail-splitter crouched over his tattered books by
candlelight or by fire-glow, at the day's end; preparing for his
future, instead of snoring or skylarking like his co-laborers.

Abraham Lincoln cut out his path to later immortality--in his spare

"An underpaid and overworked telegraph clerk stole hours from sleep
or from play, at night, trying to crystallize into realities
certain fantastic dreams in which he had faith. Today the whole
world is benefiting by what Edison did--in his spare time.

"A down-at-heel instructor in an obscure college varied the
drudgery he hated by spending his evenings and holidays in
tinkering with a queer device of his, at which his fellow teachers
laughed. But he invented the telephone --in his spare time.

4. So What?

"Gentlemen, you, too, have spare time. The man who says: 'I would
do such and such a great thing, if only I had time!' would do
nothing if he had all the time on the calendar. There is always
time--spare time--at the disposal of every human who has the energy
to use it. Use it!"

Have a GREAT day!!
Paul Evans

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Public Speaking Simplicity

Instant Speaking Success
By Paul Evans
September 28, 2008

"Paul, thank you. I just watched the videos. Your simplicity is
your genius. Thank you. I know I am going to continue to be a
customer. I also know I will continue to learn from you. My
speaking career just got better. Again...thanks." Tweed.

Endure this brief commercial, then I have a point to share...

The videos Tweed is referring to is "Speak Easy." These four
online videos show you exactly how I build a speech. It's so
simple, you won't believe it. If you've been struggling to put a
speech or presentation together, this series is for you.
Video 1: Planning and outlining.
Video 2: Illustrating your points.
Video 3: Building your open and close.
Video 4: Six internet sites that make speeches simple. Plus two
places to draw information from that most people ignore.


Tweed mentioned "simplicity."

There is a danger in public speaking of getting too complex. Trying
to say too much. Trying to cover too much material. Attempting to
hit all the critical elements.

The reason I made the videos what to show how simple it really is
to put a speech together. To prove that a solid presentation does
not have to consume hours and hours of preparation.

How can you keep you speeches simple?

1 Say What MUST Be Said, Not What CAN Be Said. Since you have a
short amount of time focus on the most important points.

2 Say the BEST and Shelve the REST. Once you make a list of what
must be said, select only the top tips, tools, and techniques to
share. What will help the listeners most? What will provide the
highest value?

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

The Speak Easy Videos are part of Instant Speaking Success.

Speak with Content:

Speak with Confidence:

Speak for Cash:


7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Public Speaking Controversy

Instant Speaking Success
By Paul Evans
September 24, 2008
Contrarian and Controversial Public Speaking

One reason most speakers fail to make a major impact is they are
too nice. They work so hard to make sure no one is offended that
they water down the message to the point of being forgettable.

First, let me say that being contrarian or controversial may not be
for you. This is not a "one size fits all" tip. Truth be known,
you probably can't pull it off if you are not totally sold on the
ideas you're presenting.

However, if you are always fighting what you WANT to say and opting
for what you feel you are FORCED to say, then the following may
help you become nominally controversial.

1 Question Accepted Attitudes.

"Attitude is everything. You have heard it a thousand times. But
the truth is, attitude is not everything. You can have a GREAT
attitude and be homeless. Here's how to have a sorry attitude and
still be successful..."

2 Disprove the Proven.

"Research shows that only 10% of our words contribute to our
message. The other 90% is a mixture of body language, facial
expression and tone. Well, the research is wrong and here's why..."

3 Offer a Counter Position.

"At the start of every year millions set their resolutions and
goals. But given the failure rate it's obvious that goals and
resolutions don't work. Stop setting goals and start making
progress by..."

4 Defy "The Establishment."

"The reason you have such a difficult time reaching your numbers in
this company is because you're lead poorly. Upper management. You
have got to stop being dictators and learn to step up in true
leadership. Staff. You have got to stop whining and do your jobs
even if management 'sucks.' Now that everyone is uncomfortable and

Except for the last example, those are easy to use in everyday
speeches. The simple formula is to take a popular or commonly held
belief, consider the opposite, and offer it as a solution.

I posted a short video on YouTube for you to watch on "Not Popular,
But Proven" it's #11 of Confessions of a Renegade Speaker. I put
the series together in 2004 and then forgot all about it until
looking through some files yesterday.

Watch the video for free:

If you want the entire series go to:

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans
Instant Speaking Success

Speak with Content:

Speak with Confidence:

Speak for Cash:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Public Speaking: Be Original

Instant Speaking Success
By Paul Evans
September 20, 2008

Be Original.

If you are using someone else's material when you speak, you can
do better. There are at least a couple of reasons for not
writing your own speech...

First, you're scared. You may think your own interpretation of
information is not strong enough.

Second, you're lazy. "Borrowing" is so much easier it seems. But
the truth is this: in the time it took to find something that fits
you, you could have created a speech from scratch.

Here's how easy it is to be original...

1) Name your topic. Be specific.

2) Write down what you currently know about it.

3) Do some online research to fill in knowledge gaps on the topic.

4) Put the ideas in a logical sequence.

5) Make a Point from each idea.

6) Scratch off any Point that isn't critical to the topic.

7) Add supporting thoughts and material (humor, stats,
illustrations) to the points.

8) Add an opening that relates to the topic.

9) Create a call to action for the conclusion that relates to the

When YOU create the speech there's much more confidence because
you're sharing what you know, not reciting another's ideas.

Being original doesn't mean you don't have outside content. It
means communicating the content from all your sources in a personal

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans
Instant Speaking Success

Speak with Content:

Speak with Confidence:

Speak for Cash:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Public Speaking Tips

Instant Speaking Success
By Paul Evans
September 15, 2008

The following excerpt is from Robert Middleton, a marketing
expert and solid presenter.

You might think...

"I'm working on my speaking, not marketing!"


Speaking IS marketing. The audience is buying your words or
they're not.

Robert shares his recipe for getting new clients from public
speaking. Don't stop reading because you're trying to survive
a speech, not trying to get clients. There's are important lessons
here. Read the next section then learn the lessons...


For instance, let me give you the basic recipe for getting new
clients from speaking engagements (delivered to professional
groups). I built my business on this recipe. I know it works. And
you can make it work too (if you follow it faithfully).

The "Speaking for Clients" Recipe

- Decide on a topic for your talk and create a title.
- Do a write-up for your talk that explains the benefits.
- Include a bio and information on your business for the
"speaker's package."
- Create a contact sheet to track your campaign.
- Do research on organizations that would be good audiences
for your talk.
- Determine who the Program Directors are for these
- Develop and practice your calls to the Program Directors.
- Call the Program Directors and pitch your talk.
- If they are interested in knowing more, send your speaker's
- Follow up in few days to answer any questions they may have.
- Implement a keep-in-touch phone and email campaign until
you book some talks.
- Put together a detailed write-up to promote the presentation.
- Coordinate with the organization to make sure you're on track.
- Prepare you talk. You'll need an outline and handouts.
- Practice your talk (out loud) until you feel comfortable.
- Practice the call-to-action at the end of the talk.
- Print out your handouts (make sure they're professional).
- Dress and groom yourself appropriately for the talk.
- Give the talk and deliver your call-to-action at the end.
- Gather the cards (with email addresses) of participants.
- Follow-up by email or phone (as you promised) after the talk.
- Set up appointments with qualified prospects.
- Turn the prospects into clients when you meet with them.

OK, that's twenty three steps in this marketing recipe.

But don't get overwhelmed by all the steps. This is something
you can do - one step at a time. Like assembling the ingredients
for a recipe, the sources and techniques are out there - in books,
articles and courses. Even if you're new to this, with focus, you
can get a favorable result the very first time.

If you miss any of these steps or do them poorly, you won't get
optimal results from your marketing plan. However, once you've
booked and delivered a few talks, the process becomes simple.
You'll start to get results and you'll be able to tweak and fine-
tune your recipe until every talk generates new clients.

By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit
Robert's web site at for additional
marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional
service businesses


Lesson 1: Detail.

Look again at what Robert laid out. It's detailed. It's not
haphazard or a shot in the dark. Even if you are not speaking to
gain clients you can use his article as an example of the effort
and detail you need to put into speeches and presentations.

Lesson 2: Tweaking.

Just because he detailed his process, Robert didn't accept his
plan the first time. He tweaked it until it was right. Rarely does
a chef create a perfect recipe on the first attempt. He has to try
different ingredients to get it perfect.

A speech or presentation is not perfect the first time through.

Do you only have one shot? Then practice it 25 times and tweak it
during practice. But do not step before an audience without working
and reworking your material.

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans
Instant Speaking Success

Speak with Content:

Speak with Confidence:

Speak for Cash:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Public Speaking Stars

Instant Speaking Success
By Paul Evans
September 11, 2008

"I just want to thank you for your Instant Speaking Success
material. You have taught me a fundamental truth: 'its not about
me, it's about the listener.' I use to always think about how
people viewed me and if they liked what I was saying and if they
enjoyed hearing me. Now I don't care about that. I care about the
audience and what they need."
~ Jared M.

I really appreciate Jared's comments. It sums up my philosophy of
speaking. Too often we are concerned about the way WE look and
sound. We make ourselves the star.

In truth, the audience is the star. Out job is to help them shine.
Our job is to provide a catalyst of information. Valuable
information in the form of points, stories, statistics, and
challenges to MOVE the listener to action (whether emotionally,
intellectually, physically or spiritually.)

For example: Today I was in a meeting where a gentleman said, "I
was in an audience ten years ago when you said, '...' That really
changed my perspective."

While the comment was nice, I really cannot take credit for
changing his perspective. He chose to do that. He chose to accept
the viewpoint. All we can do is share; it is up to the audience to

So they are the stars. They deserve the credit. We should be
honored to have the opportunity to share a few thoughts that may
make a major impact when applied. And who knows... maybe 10 years
later someone will walk up to you and thank you for helping him or
her shine.

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Public Speaking Confidence

Instant Speaking Success
By Paul Evans
September 6, 2008

Many thanks for the great feedback on the last newsletter. Here are
a couple...

Hi Paul,

I just wanted to say I really loved this article.

It's all too easy when you're starting out to let other people
decide things for you because we all need people to help us grow
and need support along the way. But your article highlights the
dangers of when we put other peoples' opinions above our own, and
if the feedback is largely good, then we shouldn't concentrate on
the minority of people who may be offended by what we share.

Talking is one of those activities where we put ourselves on the
line for the benefit of others. It's not helpful to back down when
one person gets uppity when almost everyone else has benefited from
what we had to say.

Thanks for reminding me.

Best wishes,

Thanks, Paul, for this article. What you say is very true, but
seeing it in print is very supportive. I did my first keynote
speech in October and was thrilled by 96% of the feedback. I have
to admit though that the 4% who didn't find me "wonderful" could
have bothered me hugely. Fortunately they told me that I needed to
be much more humorous. I was able to balance out those comments
with the majority who said they wished I'd talked longer. Speaking
is an exciting form of connection and I am doing what I love. My
goal is to do much more, and leave the naysayers to find what they
think they want elsewhere.
Thanks again for all you're sharing!

You might be thinking, "What does any of that have to do with
public speaking?"

What is the bottom line of the "critics" newsletter and that


You have to believe that when YOU combine your knowledge and skill
the results will be dead on. You have to believe that YOU are THE
ONE who needs to share whatever is required by the listener.

The #1 reason for failure is lack of confidence. Low self-esteem.
Insecurity. Label it what you want, it is a detriment. A killer.

Lack of confidence, not a lack of knowledge or skill, kills most
public speakers.

Confidence is certainty. It's knowing you CAN and WILL.

It's not arrogance.

In fact, it's the opposite of arrogance. Confidence is about your
impact on yourself and others in a positive way. We have doubts
when we don't believe we can, or deserve, to make an impact.

You can have knowledge and skill and still FEEL like a loser, so
how do you get confident?

You begin by THINKING confidently. See yourself succeeding. Give
your mind permission to only see the positive results. Eradicate
the images and thoughts of failure.

Next, TALK to yourself and others confidently. Get rid of defeatist
language. Speak with assurance. Speak with a tone that says your
attitude, character, and abilities are firmly in place. Surround
yourself with others who talk to and about you confidently. Others
who believe in you.

Finally, TRIUMPH. Concentrate on your successes. Replay the wins.
Keep thank you cards, awards and anything else that says, "I
appreciate what you did for me." Review them regularly.

Does all this sounds like psychological mumbo jumbo?


Here's some mumbo jumbo:

The insecure and unconfident believe what others say about them
negatively, more than what they say about themselves positively!

Focus on your greatest strengths and speak through those strengths!

If you are interested in gaining more confidence, check out these
two resources...

Confident Speaking:

Confident Living:

Have a GREAT day!

Paul Evans

Speak with Content:

Speak with Confidence:

Speak for Cash:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Public Speaking & Critics

Public Speaking, Critics, and Fear
by Paul Evans
September 1, 2008

Everyone will NOT like you as a speaker (or as a person for that

That may be the #1 thing you need to know to get over the fear of
public speaking, or to not let unwarranted negative feedback bother

Most public speakers allow the minority to cripple them with fear.
They worry about the one who won't like the speech, or laugh at the
joke, or won't like. You get the idea.

First, remember the 2/2/96 rule.

2% will think you are the best ever. 2% will hate you. Shoot for
the 96%.

You do not NEED to be liked by everyone. Everyone does not like
country music, or rap, or classical. But do artist shut down
because some don't like them? Nope. Only when the majority doesn't
like them is there a problem.

Second, remember the jealousy factor.

The people who make snide remarks or try to "help" you are usually

They want the spotlight and the only way they can feed their pride
is by being negative to you.

Third, concentrate on the positive comments.

Forget about the one or two negative comments and focus on the
words that build. We all have a natural inclination to remember the
worst. Focus on the best!

On average 2% will approach you after a speech with some
"constructive" criticism. From experience I can tell you that the
typical speaker takes the criticism to heart. They replay it over
and over. They allow it to defeat them.

You cannot worry about the 2%

Let me give you an example from the last email letter I sent to
you. This may not be a live speech example, but the principle is
the same.

I mentioned that my son was giving a speech and wanted to say
something funny. Then I recommended a resource for others who want
to become funnier.

Many bought Brad's humor package and have been extremely thankful.
Out of thousands of emails sent I got one negative. I reprinted it
here UNEDITED....

"Using your son to try to suck me into buying some other guys
supposed humour, I don't thik that;s funny at all, maybe idiotic is
a better word, you fool, now I', laughing"

I understand WHY it might have bothered this person, but I can't
let that bother me. Why? Two reasons.

First, it's one person. I knew before sending the email that some
would not like it. If you are going to let a handful of people
control you, then get out of public speaking right now.

Second, look at the words used: "idiotic," "fool." "I' laughing."
Here's a lesson for you. Assuming you didn't say or do anything
wrong, remember this: The stronger the language the person uses the
more you should ignore it.

Lesson 1: You cannot let what someone MIGHT think bother you.

Everyone will not like your speech. No big deal. Don't root your
words in worry or fear. Instead, anchor them in the value you are
going to deliver to the audience. Plan your presentation with the
knowledge that you will be helping listeners.

Spending your time imagining the worse only drains you of the
energy that should go into your presentation. Forget about dreaming
up the worst, dream about the best. Think about the wonderful
comments or congratulations you will receive.

Lesson 2: You cannot let unsolicited negative feedback bother you.

This is my favorite advice from Alan Weiss on unsolicited feedback.

"Here's another "boundary" issue. When speaking for the Washington
DC National Speakers Association Chapter last Saturday, a woman
approached me at break to tell me that, while I was a terrific
speaker, "all professional women in the audience found my remarks
about my wife and daughter demeaning" (I had been kidding that they
were awaiting me in New York spending money on my daughter's bridal
shower). She hadn't taken a poll, of course, so she must have been
channeling all those people otherwise on their feet and applauding.

"She told me not to respond, but to reflect. I told her I wouldn't
reflect but would respond, and that I had had it with the
presumptuousness of people who kept their own box scores of whether
I was positive or negative about women in their own, parochial and
biased view. I told her to go join the pronoun police because I
wasn't interested in anything she had to say.

"I believe, maliciously, she was trying to throw me off balance in
the middle of my presentation. Instead, she energized me because I
was able to tell her immediately that I'd have none of it.

"Unsolicited feedback is ALWAYS for the sender, and ranges from
innocently vacuous to malignantly evil. Don't let the energy
suckers prevail."

Most of us would not be so firm or direct. Most would take the
verbal beating with grace. Alan proves you can be articulate while
refusing to be a punching bag for another's agenda.

Lesson 3: Remember the Goal.

The goal is to communicate in a way to help others. We do not (or
should not) speak for applause or accolades. The speaker who craves
acceptance is the same one who is injured by the minority with the
negative comments.

When your goal is to give the listeners the best you have for THEIR
benefit, then feedback isn't important. How the audience takes and
applies the message is what matters.

So do not be afraid of what other people might criticize you for.
Concentrate on helping the audience reach their goals.

Have a GREAT day!

Paul Evans

Speak with Content:

Speak with Confidence:

Speak for Cash:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Become a Funnier Public Speaker

Instant Speaking Success
Paul Evans
August 28, 2008

My 14 year-old son, Sam, asked for my help on a speech last night.
He's doing a class presentation and wanted to make sure everything
was in place.

As we went over his points and illustrations he said, "Dad all this
info is good, but I want to say at least one thing that's funny."

I don't blame him.

Think about it. We love speakers who make us laugh with and on

While I would love to think that I get invited back and multiply my
engagements because of my solid content, I know the truth. The same
content without the laughter is good, but not great. It's the
laughs that people remember and tell others about. It's the parts
of the speech that make people smile that they lock onto.

That why I want to introduce you to Brad Montgomery.

Brad knows and can TEACH funny.

And if want to develop your humor for presentations and speeches
then visit Brad through this link...

He has created a special low priced offer for Instant Speaking
Success readers.

Have a GREAT day!

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Paul B. Evans : Public Speaking is Simple

Public speaking is simple IF you're focused on the right aspects.
Most people don't. Most would be speakers fill themselves up with
"What If..."

What if I freeze?

What if I forget?

What if I embarrass myself?

Those questions (and more like them) are loaded with one identical
element: "I." If you are more concerned about yourself than the
listeners, then public speaking is one of the hardest things you
will ever do. It should be.

However, when you plant the following priorities in your mind, then
speaking becomes simple...

Number One:
Listener Value. You should be far more concerned about what the
audience will get out of your words than whether you get your words

What value are you giving? How will they be better off? How can
they apply your words and make positive change or gain valuable

Number Two:
Tight Organization Design your speech so you would enjoy it as an
audience member. Can you follow it easily? Are the points clear?
Does each thought stand alone, but also contribute to the overall

Don't share what you want. Share what the audience needs and format
it so it's easy to follow.

Number Three:
Be Interesting. This is NOT hard. Just talk. Be yourself - unless
you're boring - then be someone else.

How can you know if you're boring?

Do people walk away from your conversation at dinner parties? Has
someone fallen asleep while eating lunch with you? Do you notice
the eyes of your friends starting to glaze as you start a "funny"
story? If you answered "no" to these questions then you have what
it takes to pull off a speech.

If you can keep your friends and family awake with your words, you
can keep an audience awake as well.

Number 4:
Get Over it. How long are you supposed to talk? 10 minutes? 20?
Whatever it is, it's not long. It's a decimal point in your life.
Yet, you probably spend days worrying over minutes. To quote Pete
from Oh Brother Where Art Thou, "That don't make no sense!"

Put your public speaking in perspective. It's just not that
important in the big scheme of your life. Especially if it's a one
time event. Keep it simple.

If you are going to be speaking a lot, then get some public
speaking training. But if not, use the four points above, do your
presentation, and celebrate.

Have a GREAT day!

Paul Evans is the creator of Instant Speaking Success. A public
speaking system that makes giving presentations simple. He has
given over 1,500 speeches and presentations and has helped over
35,000 people become better speakers.

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Paul B. Evans : Public Speaking

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: August 11, 2008

Subject: Forget About It


Most speakers are afraid they will forget what they're saying. Well, here are some things you SHOULD forget about...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Paul Evans is the executive creator of Instant Speaking Success.
His company has helped over 35,000 speakers avoid the fear and
strengthen their skills. If you are committed to
becoming a speaker audiences want to hear time and time again then
visit and join the speaker's
success zone.

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Paul B. Evans : Free Public Speaking Book

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: August 8, 2008

Subject: Free Public Speaking Book


Today you get a 100% free ebook on public speaking.

Follow this link to download...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

P.S. Feedback from Guy's video in the last issue was incredible. If
you missed it, go here...

Paul Evans is the executive creator of Instant Speaking Success.
His company has helped over 35,000 speakers avoid the fear and
strengthen their skills.

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Paul B. Evans : Public Speaking Video

Great Public Speaking - Video

From: Paul Evans

Date: August 6, 2008

Subject: Video of Guy


Note from Paul:

I've never sent a clip of a speaker before,
because most just aren't that good.
We'll Guy Kawasaki is that good.
He's a great example for all caliber speakers.

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Paul B. Evans : Public Speaking Marketing

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: August 3, 2008

Subject: Marketing with Speaking


How being a solid presenter increases your market share...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Paul B. Evans : Public Speaking Confidence

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 31, 2008

Subject: Lack of Confidence


The Top 3 Reasons for a Lack of Confidence When Speaking...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Public Speaking Fear? Why You SHOULD Be Afraid.

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 27, 2008

Subject: Afraid of Speaking: Maybe You SHOULD Be


If you have been on my email list for any period of time you know I
tend to be upbeat and positive. Rarely do I mention anything that
feeds the unwarranted fear of speakers. However, when the following
"negative" article was published the positive feedback was
phenomenal. It got the mediocre off the fence and taking action, so
here it is for you as well. Perhaps it will create some needed
action on your part...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #10

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 23, 2008

Subject: Secret 10


This lesson hits clarity head on.

The Ninth Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

Previous Secrets:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #9

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 21, 2008

Subject: Secret 9 (of 10)


"Speak with passion or leave me a note."

The Ninth Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

Previous Secrets:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #8

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 19, 2008

Subject: Secret 8 (of 10)


Using testimonials and referrals to BUILD your courage and erase
the doubt.

The Eighth Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

Previous Secrets:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #7

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 17, 2008

Subject: Secret 7 (of 10)


By far the most popular and inspiring lesson of the series.

The Seventh Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

Previous Secrets:

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #6

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 15, 2008

Subject: Secret 6 (of 10)


This lesson gives you 3 keys to more confident speaking.

The Sixth Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #5

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 13, 2008

Subject: Secret 5 (of 10)


Hard to believe, but this lesson tells you what the audience wants.
If you choose to receive it, your fear of public speaking will
sharply decrease...

The Fifth Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #4

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 11, 2008

Subject: Secret 4 (of 10)


This is the key to helping audiences change their lives...

The Fourth Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #3

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 9, 2008

Subject: Secret 3


Did you know that many professional speakers are introverts?

The third Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

In a couple of days you will receive the next secret:

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter Secret #2

Public Speaking Success Letter

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 7, 2008

Subject: Secret 2


Note from Paul:

Audiences love to laugh. Here's how to have them laughing with you,
not at you

The second Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

In a couple of days you will receive the next secret:
Many Professional Speakers are Introverts

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, July 4, 2008

Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success Letter

Great Public Speaking

From: Paul Evans

Date: July 4, 2008

Subject: Welcome and First Secret


Note from Paul:

Thank you for signing up for Paul B. Evans' Speaking Success
Letter. We look forward to helping you communicate more

You can unsubscribe at anytime using the link at the bottom
of each email.

Here's the first Secret of Professional Speakers That You Can Use Too...

Also, here are some free multi-media clips to help your speaking...

Have a GREAT day!
Paul Evans

In a couple of days you will receive the next secret:

Instant Speaking Success

7020 Fain Park Dr. Suite 5, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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